Keep your Heart Healthy – in 4 Simple Steps

doctor drawing a heart shape Heart disease is a top killer. But four out of five cases of heart disease don’t have to happen and you can take control of your heart health.Cardiologists at the Mayo Clinic have come up with a program they call the “Eat 5, Move 10, Sleep 8” program.

Eat at least five servings of fruits and vegetables daily. Preferably 9 to 13. These foods contain important phytonutrients that protect the heart. Plus, by eating these foods, you may eat fewer processed foods that can increase your heart disease risk.

Get some exercise every day. All you have to do to help your heart is move for an extra 10 minutes a day (although more exercise than that will help even more). The Mayo doctors point out that being sedentary is as bad for your health as smoking. They also urge everyone to do less sitting and more standing.

Get at least eight hours of sleep a night. Sufficient sleep is an absolute necessity for a healthy heart.

Make sure you take time to enjoy your life. Indulge in satisfying, joyful activities. A positive attitude helps your heart stay in top shape and is just as influential on your cardiovascular system as genetics and healthy habits.

Stay Healthy!

Adapted from Carl Lowe.

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