Low thyroid is usually an auto-immune condition

If you’re having trouble losing weight and feel exhausted half the time, then you could be suffering the effects of a slow thyroid.
Before and after treatment. Looks familiar?
Low thyroid function – or hypothyroidism – is a real problem nowadays. It is characterized by weight gain, low energy, constipation, dry skin, hair loss, cold intolerance, hoarse voice, irregular menstruation, infertility, muscle stiffness and pain – to name just a few symptoms.
Here’s why that’s a problem…
EVERY cell in your body has receptors for thyroid hormone. The thyroid regulates all metabolic activity in your body. So, if it malfunctions, then most things in your body will too.
The trouble with hypothyroidism is that it’s often misdiagnosed or mis-treated. Many practitioners think that one drug or supplement can make everything better.
Unfortunately, that’s not true because…
Hypothyroidism is Mostly An Auto-Immune Disease
90% of people with hypothyroidism are producing antibodies to thyroid tissue.
We know that conventional medicine doesn’t have effective treatments for autoimmune disease (of any kind).

Anything that triggers the immune system could be a potential cause.

Some of the irritants include:
•     Environmental toxins
•     Heavy metals, especially mercury and lead
•     Blood sugar problems
•     Stress
•     Leaky gut
•     Specific foods (see below)
Hashimoto’s often doesn’t just target the thyroid either. It’s not uncommon for sufferers to also have antibodies against other parts of their body as well.
The #1 WORST Food For Your Thyroid
A ton of research has now established a strong link between thyroid disease and gluten. As a general rule of thumb, if you have an autoimmune disease of any kind you’re best off avoiding gluten all together.
The molecular structure of gluten’s protein closely resembles that of the thyroid gland, which means that when it enters your bloodstream, the immune system flags it as dangerous and sends out antibodies to destroy it.
But with repeated exposure to gluten…
These antibodies can also cause your body to attack thyroid tissue. This means if you have Hashimoto’s and you eat foods containing gluten (ie. wheat-based foods like bread, pasta, cereal, etc..), your immune system will attack your thyroid!
The Missing Mineral For Thyroid Health
It’s been show that selenium protects against the effects of iodine toxicity and prevents the triggering and flaring of autoimmune disease that excess iodine without selenium can cause.
Selenium is also needed for the conversion of thyroid hormone T4 to its active T3 form.
Clearly, selenium and iodine need to be kept in check and as with all minerals in the body, balance – not sheer quantity is what’s important.
 One Brazil nut a day provides the required daily amount of selenium.
At the end of the day, there are many reasons why your thyroid could be sluggish. All you can do is do the best you can with the information you now have at your fingertips.
Be Healthy.

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