4 Big Fat Weight Loss Lies

By Yuri Elkaim

If you’ve struggled to lose weight and keep it off, it’s NOT your fault becauseā€¦

When it comes to fat loss advice, there’s no shortage of FALSE information being thrown your way every day that is not helping you lose weight and keep it off.

Here are the some of the biggest Fat Loss Lies that continue to sabotage your weight loss efforts.


According to a study in the European Journal of Applied Physiology, 20 weeks of daily cardio training led to significant decreases in thyroid hormone and metabolic rate.

Since your thyroid governs your metabolism, you want to avoid anything – like too much cardio – that will negatively impact it.


Have you ever had a bowl of cereal or oatmeal for breakfast and felt hungry less than an hour later? Other than the extreme hunger, constant cravings, and low energy that eating carbs creates, it also leads to a rise in blood sugar, which stimulates the release of your fat storing hormone, insulin.

Also, cortisol levels are at their peak in the morning which helps you naturally wake up in the morning. And, its presence in the morning helps regulate blood sugar and facilitate fat loss. However, if you elevate your insulin levels in the morning, by eating carbs, then you blunt your natural cortisol response, increase insulin, and upset your natural hormonal cycles. Not good!

LIE: You Can Walk Your Way Thin

Walking is like breathing. It should happen on a daily basis without a thought. But the truth is that walking alone is NOT going to help you lose a significant amount of weight.

To lose weight by walking, the average person will burn about 100
calories per mile (about 2,000 steps). Thus, to lose just one pound (3,500 calories) per week, you’d have to walk at least 10,000 steps per day to create any noticeable caloric deficit. This simply isn’t likely for most people.

However, you can walk less and get faster fat loss results by walking uphill or wearing a weighted vest to increase the resistance your body is moving against.

LIE: You Have to Eat Every 2-3 Hours

Our Paleolithic ancestors never had this luxury but for some reason we’ve been led to believe that our modern body – which has not evolved at all – needs to constantly be fed to keep our metabolism happy.

Here’s the deal: if you eat every 2-3 hours, you train your body to become a “sugar burner” (not a “fat burner”), in which you end up craving more sugar, carbs, and food throughout the day, which makes it near impossible to lose weight.

Furthermore, constantly eating keeps your insulin levels high, which can eventually lead to insulin resistance, increased fat storage, type 2 diabetes, and even heart disease.

How about this: eat when you’re hungry, stop when you’re 80% full?

Be Informed and Stay healthy.

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