Today, omega 3 fatty acid deficiency is epidemic. This deficiency leads to cardiovascular and immune issues and other disorders.
• Omega-3 fats come in two (2) forms: 1. Ready-for-brain-use form, found only in fish, and 2. A cruder form, found in foods like flaxseeds and other seeds & nuts
• The vegetarian form of omega-3 (ALA) has to be acted upon in the body by enzymes, which many of us are deficient in. The enzymes also decline with aging. In the presence of omega 6, this conversion is further hampered.
• Eating cold-water fatty fish 2-3 times a week, and supplementing with fish oil supplements is the most efficient way to get enough omega-3 fatty acids, particularly the anti-inflammatory (EPA) and the brain helping (DHA) fatty acids
• Fish oil supplements need to be eaten with a meal that includes fat for good absorption
• Multivitamins do not typically contain essential fatty acids
• The majority of omega’s consumed are omega-6’s
• Some scholars believe that our ancestors ate close to a 1:1 ratio of omega-3 fatty acids to omega-6 fatty acids
• Fats found in processed foods, heated vegetable oil, and hydrogenated fats can make the membranes of nerve cells rigid and unresponsive
• Rigid and unresponsive cell membranes lead to malfunctioning neurons, inflammation and degeneration.
Fats are a considerable part of every one of our 100 trillion+ cells. The quality of the fats we eat = the quality of our cells.
Deficiency of good fats leads to:
1. Musculoskeletal issues
2. Endocrine issues
3. Cardiovascular issues
4. Immune issues
5. Allergies and asthma
6. Depression and other mood disorders
Diets high in good fat support brain function.
Processed foods contain hydrogenated fats. The process of refining and hydrogenation involves high temperatures in the presence of metals like nickel and aluminum. Remnants of these toxic metals add to the general toxic load on the body. Toxic metals have been linked to brain & mental conditions such as Alzheimer’s, learning disabilities and dementia. Cell membranes become rigid and inflexible. Cell to cell communication, fluidity, flexibility is hampered and neurons are unable to function efficiently. This makes for an unhappy brain.
Who needs fatty Acid Supplementation
Anyone who has:
• Poor brain function in its many forms: depression, mood swings, bi-polar, poor memory, anxiety, etc.
• Regular consumer of fried or processed foods
• Painful joints, osteoporosis
• Chronic pain and inflammation
• Diabetes, asthma, cancer
• Dry skin, dry eyes, dandruff
• Improves Child’s learning and behavior
• Hormonal imbalances and Auto-Immune Disorders
• Pregnant, lactating or planning a family: Essential for optimal brain development of the baby
• Elderly: to maintain optimum brain function
• Cholesterol imbalances: Prefer, rather than statin drugs
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