Protein is an essential component of a healthy balanced diet. When aiming for weight loss, for those are very active, for women who may be pregnant or lactating, the requirement is higher, often considerably higher. It is very challenging to meet the need through a vegetarian diet, though, and supplementation may be the only answer. How do you know if you need supplementation? Check out the chart below to see how much protein you should
Hi, I am Reshma Gulati and I have been Dr Lily’s patient for 2 years ago. Her treatment helped me correct my physiological illness and given me new perspective towards life. I have re-invented my career as a CCA accredited Excellence & Wellness Coach & NLP Practitioner (certified by Dr. Richard Bandler). My life journey is from illness to wellness!!. Our Thoughts …..doorways to illness or wellness I would like to share my experience
Adapted from Adda Bjarnadottir, MS | Image courtesy DHA has many, many health benefits. It is a part of every single cell in the body, is vital for the brain and is absolutely crucial during pregnancy and infancy. DHA makes up over 90% of the omega-3 fatty acids in the brain and up to 25% of its total fat content. What is DHA? DHA is a long-chain omega-3 fatty acid and is mainly found
Your Diabetes didn’t just show up one fine day as Diabetes. Your illness is your body trying to communicate to you that something is really wrong! Your Diabetes is like a big, blinking NEON SIGN warning you – LOOK HERE. THERE’S SOMETHING WRONG HERE. This is a WARNING that there is an imbalance or a deficiency in your body that needs to be identified and serviced – just like that red, blinking light on your
It’s Ramzan, time for fasting and also for feasting! Sadly, often time to gain weight! What if you’re diabetic? Here’s how to eat and still control blood sugar levels. 1.Increase Your Fiber Intake Try to include both soluble and insoluble fiber in your daily diet. Berries, nuts, vegetables and beans like rajma and chowli are a great way to slip in the fiber daily. Aim to include 40 to 50 grams of fiber in your