Diabetes is a chronic illness and can cause fear once slapped with the diagnosis. Fear of complications like kidney, eye and limb damage. What is less well known is that diabetes also raises the risk of heart disease by four to five times compared with people without the disease. The treatment goals for people with diabetes are more strict than those for people without diabetes. In a study, out of 20,000 Indian patients with type
Diabetes rates are skyrocketing. Complications lead to heart attacks, strokes, amputations, blindness, kidney failure, and memory loss. The #1 cause of death for people with diabetes is from cardiovascular disease. Almost 20% of people over age 65 have type 2 diabetes. Diabetics have a lifestyle that doesn’t match their genetic needs; change their lifestyle and their diabetes problem usually goes away. I offer programs that have helped patients bring their blood sugar levels back to

Monk Fruit Sweetener

Posted by Lily Kiswani on  April 11, 2016
With many people now avoiding sugar, natural alternative sweeteners have become important. One popular sweetener is monk fruit extract. It is natural, contains zero calories and is 100–250 times sweeter than sugar. It is also thought to have antioxidant properties. Monk fruit, also known as “luo han guo” or the “Buddha fruit”,is a small, round fruit grown in Southeast Asia. Monk fruit has been used for centuries in traditional Chinese medicine, but the FDA didn’t approve its use
      Are you fond of eating seaweed? Or maybe you’re never tried it. Aside from being an anti-cancer fighting food, these nutritional benefits may persuade you to become an advocate of eating ocean vegetables: Seaweed has an alkalizing effect. Much of what is eaten today is acidic in nature and that’s definitely not beneficial for health. In order to help restore your body’s pH level, you need to eat more alkaline foods such as
BPA is an industrial chemical that is added to many products. These days, BPA-containing plastics are commonly used in food containers, baby bottles and other things. BPA is also used to make epoxy resins, which are put on the inner lining of canned food containers to keep the metal from corroding and breaking.   Common products that may contain BPA include: Items packaged in plastic containers. Canned foods. Toiletries. Feminine hygiene products. Thermal printer receipts.

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