Category Archives: Healthy Eating

Sugar Makes You Fat. Fat makes You Thin. Really.

The U.S. government’s Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee is poised to reverse 40 years of “advice” and scrap longstanding guidelines about avoiding high-cholesterol food. In a draft report, cholesterol as found in foods like egg yolks is no longer listed as a “nutrient of concern.”

The cholesterol bogy has been used for several decades to terrify a whole population. For many years, cholesterol levels were considered the ultimate measure of health and fitness in America.

Suppressing cholesterol is not about health. It’s about making money, and the people who created the cholesterol myth did so to make trillions of dollars.

Suppressing cholesterol is like placing something over your car’s heat indicator light expecting to prevent the car from overheating. This is pitiful nonsense, but  literally millions of people along with their doctors are thoroughly indoctrinated with this myth. People are actually paying $600 dollars a month for statin drugs to lower cholesterol, that are offending their health far more than elevated cholesterol. A lot of folks are probably using their grocery money to buy these drugs.

Elevated cholesterol and a bad ratio of HDL and LDL is an indicator of an insulin problem. High levels of insulin continuously stimulate production of cholesterol.

Once and for all, fat does not make fat. It does not raise cholesterol or triglycerides and fat consumption does not put on body fat. In fact, fat consumption takes off body fat inside and outside. And what’s shocking, you have to eat fat to lose fat. Good fats, not trans fats or refined oils. Good fats are coconut oil, olive oil, ghee and butter.


Eskimos live on fat — an enormous amount — and they have almost no heart disease, diabetes or obesity. But their fat is omega-3 fat, not omega-6. Why does all the pretended research against fat fail to mention this?

A low fat diet makes you FAT.

Carbohydrates, processed sugars and chemical-laden processed foods are what stimulate body fat storage — and sales of cholesterol drugs. And the caution from government panels and their propagandists against cholesterol drove many people to consume foods high in sugar and carbohydrates.

Carbohydrates stimulate large quantities of insulin, which directly stimulates radical rises in cholesterol. Even though carbohydrates themselves are fat-free, excess carbohydrates end up as excess fat. So the insulin that’s stimulated by excess carbohydrates aggressively promotes the accumulation of body fat. It also tells it not to release any stored fat. And this makes it impossible for you to use your own stored body fat for energy. So the excess carbohydrates in your diet not only produce excess insulin that makes you fat, they make sure you stay fat. This is how lethal excess carbohydrates are.


The medical people who are trying to force your cholesterol down to zero forgot to tell you that as your cholesterol level falls to a certain point, you jump from the frying pan of heart disease risk into the fire of death by all sorts of other diseases.

What kind of diseases? Cerebral hemorrhage, gall bladder disease and many types of cancer; falling cholesterol is a marker for several types of cancer. Cholesterol need not be lower than 180 mg/dl to 200 mg/dl range.

Look for a physician trained in Integrative / Functional medicine near you to give you a personalised Healthy Eating plan.

And Be Healthy!

Risk of Diabetic Complications co-related to blood sugar levels

Diabetes we know. But, What is Prediabetes?

Prediabetes means that the blood sugar level is higher than normal but not yet high enough to be classified as type 2 diabetes. According to the American Diabetes Association (ADA) definition, it exists if the Fasting Blood sugar (FBS) is between 100 and 125 mg%. but an Integrative Medicine practitioner would like your FBS to be no more than 85mg%. In fact, some experts prefer the FBS level to be around 75mg%.

According to an Indian study, the prevalence of Diabetes in the Indian population was

1.2% in 1971

12.1% in 2001

and 18% in 2013.


In the Normal population, average BMI (Body mass Index) was 21.8, in Prediabetics it was 23.5 and in the Diabetics it was 24.4. Thats right, 24.4. Now check your BMI!

Out of 20,000 Indian patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus , 60% had coronary artery disease (CAD).

In one study, 8% of the subjects had Diabetes and 12% had Prediabetes ( that is, according to ADA standards. We would consider the incidence much higher.). And other studies revealed similar figures. So it is clear that the number of Prediabetics far exceeds the Diabetics in a given population.

What is the Risk

A Prediabetic is not a Diabetic. So what’s the worry?

Well, it’s a huge worry.

An FBS above 92mg% can lead to the development of Overt Diabetes within 10 years.

A BSL ( Blood Sugar Level) of 155mg%, 1 hr after a meal indicated higher risk of Cardiovascular Disease (CVD).

BSL greater than 83mg%, 2 hrs after a meal, indicates higher risk of Stroke.

HbA1C above 6% indicates higher risk of Kidney Failure.

Above 4.6%, risk of CVD doubles for every 1% rise in HbA1C, which measures blood sugar control over the preceding 3 months.

In a French study, people with Diabetic Retinopathy averaged an FBS of 130mg% and HbA1c OF 6.4% over a period of 9 years. While those without eye damage averaged an FBS of 108mg% and an HbA1C of 5.7%.

In another study of 45,000 people, Diabetic retinopathy rose significantly as the FBS rose above 115mg%, 2-hr blood sugar level during GTT ( Glucose Tolerance Test) rose above 176mg% and the HbA1c rose higher than 6.3%.

Which means, DIABETIC COMPLICATIONS develop while the patient remains PREDIABETIC.

From all the above, the trend is clear. There is not a lot of leeway before complications start to appear. Conversely, it means that its not a very long way to go to get healthy again.

What To Do?

Start checking BSL, Insulin level and HbA1C early. In the teens if factors like Family History and Obesity exist.

See an Integrative Medicine Specialist close to you. As dramatically as blood sugar control deteriorates, Recovery can be just as dramatic.

Follow Healthy Living advice as in the post ‘What Should I Eat?’.

Be Informed. And Live Healthy!

Images courtesy Google Images.

The Friendly Neighborhood Gut Bacteria

 We know that our gut contains, what are commonly referred to as “the friendly bacteria.” The actual number is over 100,000,000,000,000 (100 trillion) bacteria. Counting the gut, the bacteria in cavities such as our sinuses, and then the large numbers on our skin, these microbes outnumber human cells by a factor of 10 to 1!

Even more striking is that the microbial genes of this “human microbiome” (as renamed by the National Institutes of Health in 2007) outnumber human genes by a factor of 100 to 1! Since all life is carried out by genetic information, this amazing statistic begs the question—are we more bacterial than we are human? Is this a symbiotic relationship?

Previously unsuspected functions of the human microbiome are being discovered. For instance, “neurological/brainbased” disorders such as depression or autism may very well have their true root origins in the gut! Science now knows that there are more nerve cells in the GI tract than in the human brain, making the gut a kind of “second brain.” These second brain neurons are closely linked to the first brain.

All nerve cells “talk” to one another through chemical messages called neurotransmitters, such as serotonin and dopamine. The big discovery here is that the microorganisms in our gut also make these neurotransmitters! During times of stress, our gut bacteria may be talking to our “first brains” through the neurons located in lining of our GI tract. Anxiety may indeed be a “gut feeling” coming from our human microbiome.


These gut bacteria play a vital role in

Immunity and Auto-Immune Diseases such as Rheumatoid Arthritis, Celiac Disease, Type 1 Diabetes and many many others

Vitamin Synthesis and Hormone Regulation

General health and Weight management, including Obesity


Dysbiosis can cause

Allergies including Skin Ailments

Inflammatory Bowel Diseases

Type II Diabetes

Stomach, Liver, Gall Bladder, Colorectal cancers

Abnormal gut bacteria in infants may be one cause of colic, or excessive crying, recent research suggests. In the study, colicky babies (who cry for more than three hours a day without a medical reason) had a distinct bacterial “signature”: They had higher numbers of bacteria from a group called Proteobacteria in their guts compared to babies without colic.

and many many other conditions.


All disease begins in the GutHippocrates



The type, number and health of these invaluable bacteria is affected positively or adversely by

Diet and Nutritional Status. A diet rich in whole, unprocessed foods along with cultured or fermented foods is recommended, with supplementation as required. Diets high in refined carbohydrates, sugar and processed foods, low in fermentable fibers or containing toxins like wheat and industrial seed oils that cause leaky gut need to be avoided.


‘Pro’biotics – such as those in natural yoghurt and fermented foods can help counteract inflammation and control the growth of disease-causing bacteria, eliminate toxins, reduce risk of allergies, benefit mood and mental health and normalize weight. In fact, probiotics may be the new antidepressants.

Xenobiotics – chemicals which affect our hormones – can wreak havoc.

Environmental Toxins, including those in our Home Care and Personal Care products are equally responsible for illnesses.

‘Anti’biotics – are lethal to these good bacteria. Other pharmaceutical drugs also affect these bacteria to varying degrees. Other medications like birth control and NSAIDs are equally harmful.

Chronic Stress

Chronic Infections

Caesarean Birth – Inoculation of Maternal microbiota from the vaginal fluids does not occur. In fact, it it microbes from the skin of hospital staff which colonises the newborn, and exposes her to infections, allergies and serious health challenges.


Contact an Integrative Medicine practitioner near you to learn how you can make your gut bacteria healthy again.

Who knew it could be so simple to Stay healthy!





4 Food Items we Thought were Healthy

When in need of a quick pick-me-up, and simultaneously, looking for a healthy choice, here are some of the items we might opt for. And also some of the mistakes we might make.

Here are some ‘healthy’ food items:

1. Whole Wheat Crackers – Whole wheat crackers are heavily processed and usually have many artificial ingredients.  They also contain loads of inflammation-promoting gluten, and many popular brands are also loaded with  trans fats.  This even applies to 100% whole wheat crackers, so don’t be fooled by all the “heart healthy” health claims.  Make no mistake, packaged whole wheat crackers are a BAD choice for your health and your fat loss goals.


2.  Most Protein Bars – Most protein bars are nothing more than glorified candy bars.  Full of artificial, damaging ingredients, cheap protein, and loads of sugar, the vast array of protein bars on the market fail to make the cut for a healthy snack.


3.  Fruit Smoothies – We’re not talking about homemade fruit smoothies, but rather the sugar-laden, syrup-derived, so-called fruit smoothies that you’ll find at your local smoothie shop.  Some of them have upwards of 75 grams of sugar in a small smoothie!  And a whole lot of additives.


4.  Granola Bars – Somewhere along the line we were all taught that granola bars are healthy.  Why or how, I’m not sure.  They’re high carb, high sugar, low protein, and fail to provide any truly “healthy” ingredients whatsoever.

indexStick to home made, simple, real food. And Stay Healthy!

Deep Frying. Should we? Which Oil to Use?


Deep-fried foods – ooh, sooooo tempting!


But we avoid deep frying for health considerations. However, deep frying at home certainly does not have to be unhealthy. It largely comes down to the type of oil you use, and how you use it.

When a food is submerged in oil at 350-375°F, its surface cooks almost instantly and forms a type of “seal” that the oil cannot penetrate. At the same time, the moisture inside the food turns into steam, cooking the food from the inside. The steam also helps to keep the oil out of the food. If the temperature is too low, the oil will seep into the food, making it greasy and sickening. If the temperature is too high, it can dry out the food and oxidize the oil.

This is also the reason why deep fried is paradoxically better than shallow fried, which typically happens at lower temperatures.

We want to select oils which are stable at high temperatures. The more saturated the fats in an oil are, the more stable they are when heated. Taste obviously matters as well. When deep frying, oils that have a “neutral” flavor are generally preferred.

The Winner: Coconut Oil is The Healthiest Oil For Deep Frying

Coconut Oil

Coconut oil is the best choice overall.

Studies have shown that even after 8 hours of continuous deep frying at 180°C, its quality does not deteriorate.

Over 90% of the fatty acids in coconut oil are saturated, which makes it very resistant to heat.

Saturated fats used to be considered unhealthy, but new studies show that they are a completely harmless source of energy.

Additionally, coconut oil has numerous health benefits. For example, it can help kill harmful bacteria and viruses, and may even help you lose belly fat.

There are several other good options to consider.

Olive Oil

One study found that olive oil can be used in a deep fryer for over 24 hours before it oxidizes excessively. In theory, this makes it a great choice for deep frying. However, the flavor and fragrance of olive oil may not hold up well when heated for a long time.

Palm Oil

Palm oil consists mostly of saturated and monounsaturated fats, making it a great choice for deep frying.


Traditionally, ghee is used in India and the Middle east for deep frying, and is a healthy choice.

Fats and Oils That Should Not be Used For Deep Frying

There are several fats and oils that you should definitely not use.

This includes industrial vegetable oils.

Production of Vegetable Oil

These oils are extracted from seeds, and need to go through very harsh processing methods. They are high in polyunsaturated fats, with a terrible Omega-6:Omega-3 ratio, and up to 4% of the fatty acids in them are toxic trans fats. Not only should you avoid them for deep frying, but you should make an effort to avoid them altogether.

This includes, but is not limited to:

Soybean, Corn, Canola oil (rapeseed oil), Cottonseed, Safflower, Rice bran , Grape seed, Sunflower and Sesame oil.

Take Home Message

Ever since fat was demonized, deep frying has had a terrible reputation. It is true that with the wrong oils, such as harmful vegetable oils, deep-fried food is most definitely bad for you. But with the right oils, you can enjoy the occasional deep-fried treat (preferably home-made) without the guilt. For certain foods, it can take the flavor to a whole new level.

So we can Stay Healthy and still Enjoy!