Category Archives: Healthy Eating

Should we eat Low Fat?

We want to be healthy. And to be healthy, we need to cut down on fat, so we should go for the low fat options when we choose food, right?

Turns out its not so!

Because manufacturers very cleverly disguise the awful taste of low fat foods by adding sugar instead.

And so the consumption of the baked potato chips, fat-free ice cream, low-fat candies, cookies, and cakes has paradoxically caused obesity rates to skyrocket!

low 1

Because the low-fat diet is also a high-carb diet, this diet can lead to an increase in blood triglycerides, increasing the risk of cardiovascular disease.

The best way to lower triglycerides is to eat in the exact opposite way, a low-carb, high-fat diet. Such a diet leads to reduction in blood triglycerides.

Despite what we have been told, fat isn’t always the bad guy in the waistline wars. Its the bad fats, such as trans fats, which are the guilty ones – for weight gain and clogged arteries. But good fats such as the monounsaturated fats, omega-3s and even saturated fats!!!! have the opposite effect. In fact, healthy fats play a huge role in helping us manage  moods, stay on top of our mental game, fight fatigue, and even control weight.

Remember – Sugar makes you fat. Fat makes you thin.

Images Courtesy Google

Want your children to be smarter?

Can we actually get smarter? You bet!

Simple ways to feed our brain, exercise the brain, improve its function:


If there’s just one thing you’re willing to do, let it be this one. Eat fatty fish such as wild salmon, or take supplements. At all ages. Including the unborn or breast feeding infant, including the elderly grandparents. Especially students. Certainly adults with medical conditions ( Sole caveat: Patients on blood thinners please inform your doctor before planned surgery.)



Adequate sleep is a must for the brain to assimilate all the information it has gathered, and to form new pathways.

Remember, grandma always said – sleep well before an exam? Well, she was right!



Turmeric, Ginger, Garlic, Oregano, Rosemary can improve neural transmission and reduce inflammation. We Indians are so fortunate most of these are a natural part of our diet!


Repeat, NO SUGAR. It can cause plaques and increase insulin resistance. And refined flour is metabolised to sugar, therefore it acts just like sugar in the body. Therefore, NO sweetened drinks and no chain store burgers and pizzas.

Alzheimers is often called Type III Diabetes.

no sugar


Its exercise for the brain and, just like physically exercising the body makes it stronger, mental exercise makes the brain ‘stronger’. Playing mind games is good activity.

6. CLEAN WATER which does not contain neurotoxins like Fluoride and Chlorine.


Rejuvenates and strengthens brain cells.


Even if we can get in 10 to 15 min a day of meditation, it improves attention and performance. 


Phenomena like ESP demonstrate that there is more to it than meets the eye. Ever have a flash of insight? Tuning in to a Higher Intelligence could improve our own!

So. Simple, small steps, carried out regularly, can bring great results!

Fiber and life after heart attack

A recent report in the highly regarded British Medical Journal found that, after a heart attack,  people increasing their intake of fiber from cereal  had a 31 percent lower risk of dying from any cause, and a 35 percent lower risk of cardiovascular death, than those who increased their intake the least. Only cereal fiber, not fiber from fruits or vegetables, was associated with the lowered risk.

14g of fiber daily, for every 1000 calories consumed, is recommended. Although higher amounts, 35g for men and 30 for women, is better. Some tribes eat as much as 120g fiber daily! Needless to say, the have very low incidence of high BP and heart disease

So ditch the refined flour! And stick to whole grain. So simple.

Bet on butter!

For many years, studies have shown an association between eating dairy products and lower diabetes risk. But how dairy protects against diabetes remained a mystery. The answer may lie in dairy’s fat.

Researchers at the Harvard School of Public Health have identified a naturally occurring trans fat in dairy that may substantially reduce the risk of type 2 diabetes. Trans-palmitoleic acid is a fatty acid found in milk, cheese, yogurt, and butter. It’s not produced by the body. It only comes from your diet.

In a study published in The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition Harvard researchers analyzed data from 6,814 adults. They measured circulating blood levels of trans-palmitoleate. At the end of 5 years participants with the highest levels of this fat had higher levels of good cholesterol, and had lower fasting insulin levels  and systolic blood pressure . Compared to those with the lowest level of the fat, those with the highest levels had half the risk of developing diabetes. The results confirmed an earlier Harvard study reported in the Annals of Internal Medicine.

When the researchers combined the data from the two studies they found that each .05% increase in trans-palmitoleate in the blood levels was associated with a 34% lower risk of diabetes. They noted that this trans fat seems to have an extremely strong protective effect, stronger than other things known to be beneficial against diabetes.

In the meantime, enjoy full-fat milk, cheese, and yogurt, preferably from grassfed animals. And you can add reducing diabetes risk to the other healthy reasons to eat real butter.

But continue to avoid artificial trans fats from hydrogenated and partially hydrogenated oils.

Inflammation and Illness

Inflammation is the ‘bad boy’ of lifestyle illnesses. Even though it is useful in acute conditions, it can damage the body if inflammation becomes chronic.

There are a number of risk factors for chronic inflammation. These include: long-term infection, poor diet, toxins, heavy metals, smoking, stress, exhaustion and obesity. These factors put the body on high alert, even when an alert is unnecessary. Consequently, these inflammatory cell signals significantly damage health over time. For example, it can scramble DNA, interfere with cellular communications, impair immunity and create an environment that allows tumors to grow.

To eliminate chronic inflammation, we must reduce these underlying factors and support the body’s natural anti-inflammatory mechanisms. We need to tell the body to calm down.

Excess weight, especially in the abdomen, known as visceral fat, can itself produce inflammatory chemicals known as cytokines.

However, being thin is not necessarily any better. Eating pro-inflammatory foods can also throw your system off balance even if you are physically fit. That’s why we should all stay away from processed foods and control our intake of sugar and trans fats. In particular, processed, fried and grilled foods are high in advanced glycation end products, appropriately called AGEs, which promote oxidation and inflammation.

One study, conducted by researchers at the Mount Sinai School of Medicine, outlined how dietary changes can have a profound impact on inflammation and health. Two groups were assigned separate diets. One ate a normal Western diet, high in AGEs. The other was asked to poach, stew or steam their meals, processes that produce fewer AGEs. After four months, the latter group showed dramatic reductions in inflammatory markers and had other indications of improved cardiovascular and metabolic health. In addition, a protein that helps clear these toxic compounds increased, restoring the body’s normal protective mechanisms.

Eat more phytonutrients, which tend to be high in antioxidants and include other health-promoting compounds. Richly colored fruits, like tomatoes, blueberries and strawberries, are excellent sources.

Also, probiotic / fermented foods, such as yogurt, pickles, sauerkraut, miso and kimchi, help maintain the balance of friendly flora in our digestive tract and are shown to help reduce inflammation.

Another cause of chronic inflammation is stress and lack of sleep. This can be reduced with practice of meditation, yoga, tai chi, etc.

Anti-oxidants are an effective way to counteract chronic inflammation, especially if obtained from dietary and natural sources,

What a simple way to keep ourselves healthy!