Top 10 Toxic Skin Care Ingredients (Avoid Putting on Your Skin at All Costs)


Annmarie Gianni

You’ve probably heard about all the hidden chemicals and health risks surrounding so many of the beauty and skin care products on the market, but what exactly are they and will you ever be able to put on your lotion or eye cream again in peace — without wondering if you’re poisoning your body?

The answer is yes!

The key to healthy beauty care is to understand what’s really underneath the lid. While that may seem like a lot of work, you just have to know what to keep your eyes open for. And once you know what to look for, you can add yourself among the rapidly growing group of empowered consumers who are asking questions and being justifiably snobby about their product choices.

To help you in this mission to makeover your personal stock of cosmetics, we’ve put together a list of 10 ingredients you should avoid in anything you buy. By steering clear of these nasties, you can rest assured that whatever you’re putting on your skin isn’t harming it.

1. Parabens

Parabens are unquestionably the most commonly used preservatives in the cosmetics industry. They’re in just about any cream you might use, as they prevent mold, fungus and parasites from sprouting and growing in your products. The problem is that they can be absorbed through the skin, and have often been found in breast cancer tumors! All signs point to skin care products being the cause.

Because of this, there is a growing concern that excessive use of parabens may give rise to breast cancer in women and testicular cancer in men. Although there haven’t been any conclusive studies proving this, it should be enough to make you concerned. In fact, it’s why there are so many “paraben-free” items popping up in the supermarket and pharmacies around the country.

Parabens can appear in different forms, so here’s what you want to look out for:

  • benzylparaben
  • butyiparaben
  • propylparaben
  • methylparaben
  • ethylparaben
  • isobutylparaben

2. Phthalates

This hard to pronounce class of substances is found in just about everything, even you. A study done by the US Centers for Disease Control found a trace of it in every single person they analyzed. This is problematic because phthalates – which are used in cosmetics and also in many plastic objects – have been found to act as a hormone disruptor linked to reproductive defects, insulin resistance and developmental problems in children.

Here’s the tricky part: phthalates usually aren’t listed on the label of your favored products, so you have to do a bit of sleuthing to determine their presence. Want a hint? They’re often found in anything that misleadingly lists “fragrance” as an ingredient. Stick to products that are scented with essential oils instead.

3. Benzoyl Peroxide

Over the last decade, the popularity of pimple-zapping products has skyrocketed. Benzoyl peroxide is responsible for this, but you should be wary about using it. That’s because it’s been linked with the promotion of tumor growth. Horrifying, don’t you think?

Beyond that, it produces toxic effects in the body simply through inhalation, and is a known skin, eye and respiratory irritant. As if that isn’t bad enough, it’s extremely toxic if you swallow it. Awful!

4. Triclosan

Technically a pesticide – at least according to the Environmental Protection Agency – triclosan is a popular ingredient in just about any product claiming antibacterial properties. It works very well at killing bacteria, and that’s actually the problem: not all bacteria are bad for you, and furthermore, some experts speculate widespread of this chemical could give rise to “superbugs” – harmful bacteria resistant to antibiotics.

That’s not all; triclosan has been shown to work as both a hormone and thyroid disruptor. On top of that, it’s terrible for the environment. So put your inner germaphobe at ease and know that water and natural hand soap will more than handle your daily hand-washing needs.

5. Resorcinol

Why is it that resorcinol – a popular ingredient in bleaches – is restricted in federal government buildings, but is used freely in so many hair color products? That probably doesn’t sound right to you, and that’s because it isn’t. Not at all!

Resorcinol is a known skin irritant that has been shown in studies to disrupt healthy thyroid function in animals. It’s also a common cause of dye allergy that so many women find themselves bothered by. You don’t want this in your hair, or anywhere for that matter!

6. Hydroquinone

As a skin lightener that reduces dark blemishes caused by everything from medical reactions to bruising, hydroquinone sounds too good to be true. You guessed it… that’s because it is.

Hydroquinone reduces the melanin in your skin to get rid of those unsightly marks, but in doing so, it hurts your skin in many ways. First of all, it’s permanently altering your pigment while also weakening the elastin and collagen in your problem area – the very things that are key to keeping your skin firm and youthful! Some people get unsightly blotches after using hydroquinone, and far more get contact dermatitis or have allergic reactions after regular use. Considering how easily it irritates your skin, it’s a wonder that it’s used at all. Finally, like so many ingredients on this list, there is some suspicion that it’s a carcinogen. The results aren’t worth the harm it causes.

7. Petroleum

Here’s a sneaky one. Petroleum pops up in so many cosmetics products, it’s ridiculous. And in case you’re wondering, yes, it’s the very same substance from which your motor oil is made.

It hides behind many names that you should familiarize yourself with. They are:

  • Petrolatum
  • Xylene
  • Toluene
  • Mineral oil
  • Liquid paraffin

As an industry standard, there’s a lot of information out there touting the safety of petroleum by-products, so you might be wondering why you should avoid it. It’s because it contains 1,4-Dioxane, which has been listed by the World Health Organization and the Environmental Protection Agency as a probable carcinogen. Cancer from your moisturizer? No thank you.

8. Methylisothiazolinone

Just the name alone is intimidating. Thankfully known as MIT for short, methylisothiazolinone is an increasingly common antibacterial preservative in everything from baby shampoo to moisturizer. Unfortunately, studies have shown that it contains neurotoxic properties that should be of great concern to all consumers.

In studies with rats, a mere 10 minutes of exposure to MIT was enough to cause brain cell damage. Further studies concluded that low concentrations of MIT during neural development increased the risk of seizures and visual abnormalities. Furthermore, the Environmental Working Group has classified it as a skin sensitizer and irritant.

The argument often made by skin care companies is that MIT is used in very small concentrations, usually in products that are meant to be rinsed off, thus reducing your exposure to the chemical. Considering the seriousness of its side effects, it’s probably best that you limit your exposure to it completely, wouldn’t you agree?

9. Oxybenzone

Oxybenzone is an active ingredient in quite a few of the sunscreen products on the shelves of your favorite store. Unfortunately, this chemical has been linked to skin irritation and allergies, hormone disruption and low birth weights in baby girls.

What’s scary is that a study conducted by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control found that oxybenzone is present in the urine of 97% of Americans. How much of it have we been exposed to, and how is it affecting us in ways that we don’t quite understand yet? With figures like these, chances are it’s already in your system, so you want to limit your future exposure to it as much as possible.

10. Artificial Dyes and Synthetic Colors

Whether you’re donning a shocking hot pink lipstick, a classic rouge to make those cheekbones pop, or rebellious black nail polish, if your favorite cosmetics are conventional, chances are they are just as dangerous as they are fabulous.

Many of the products you have are likely made with synthetic colors that are made from coal tar. Though pretty, these harsh artificial colors have been shown in studies to be carcinogenic and are likely to cause skin sensitivity and irritation due to the heavy metals they deposit on your skin when you use them. You don’t want that, so if you have any products that were made with synthetic colors, toss them in the bin don’t buy anymore! Thankfully, it’s pretty simple to determine if that color in your favorite lipstick is real or not: just check the ingredients, and if you see anything listed beginning with FD&C or D&C, you know it isn’t what you really want.

So the next time one of those perfumed lab-coats at the mall pulls you aside to offer you a sample of Company X’s new Luxuriously Lovely Lip Enhancer, tell her thanks but no thanks, and proceed either online or to your nearest organic grocery for superior alternatives. You’ll be amazed at how much is out there!

Be Healthy!

Cooking with Vegetable Oils Releases Toxic Cancer-Causing Chemicals

 Dr. Andreas Eenfeldt 

NOT a good idea

Are you cooking with vegetable oils? According to lead scientists, this can be really unhealthy. When heated, these oils release toxic chemicals linked to cancer and other diseases. So do not use corn oil or sunflower oil for cooking. Or any refined oil. 


Olive oil (containing mainly monounsaturated fat) is a better option for cooking, but not great.The best option for cooking is saturated fats, like coconut oil, butter or lard. These fats can stand a lot of heat without transforming into poison.

Don’t use excessive heat when cooking. Make sure the food you cook can handle the heat.

And Stay Healthy.

Why Detoxification is Critical for the Prevention and Treatment of Cancer

Landee Martin

In our modern world we live amongst a sea of toxins in our air, water, food supply, and even in our homes. Hazardous chemicals are in household cleaning supplies and thousands of personal care products (including antiperspirant and mouthwash) with no label warnings whatsoever.
This bombardment of daily toxins from almost every place imaginable can have many adverse effects and take a toll on our health over time. Nearly all of these chemicals damage our cells, weaken the body, create chronic illness, and can even lead to cancer. And unfortunately, conventional cancer treatments such as chemotherapy flood the body with additional toxins that can keep it from healing.
Detoxification 101
With so much garbage coming into our bodies, it is important to be taking out the “cellular trash” on a regular and daily basis. This is what the cells of our bodies are designed to do through adequate sleep, movement, sweating, drinking enough clean water, and consuming high water content foods (i.e. fruits and vegetables), among other things. The cells of our body automatically cleanse and detoxify by eliminating accumulated waste products. If the body is unable to eliminate toxins fast enough, compared to the amount of toxic waste coming in, cells start malfunctioning and the disease process begins.
This is the underlying reason to detoxify. It is based on the principle that the accumulation of toxins greatly contributes to cellular damage and disease formation, and thus the elimination of toxins has the ability to prevent and even cure disease. Detoxification has been used for thousands of years (since the time of Hippocrates) and long before modern, pharmaceutical-based medicine became the accepted treatment for disease.
Water fasting, which rapidly detoxifies the body, is one of the oldest therapeutic practices used to cleanse and heal. The detoxification methods of ancient Ayurvedic medicine, a traditional healing system of India, have also been used for centuries. Detoxification protocols are also widely used amongst alternative medical practitioners.
Even though the U.S. Centers for Disease Control estimates that over 80 percent of disease has lifestyle and environmental causes, modern medicine basically ignores toxins as damaging and does little if anything to address the underlying causes of disease. Instead, the medical establishment relies on prescription and over the counter drugs as its treatment of choice.
Cell Renewal is a Must to Stay Healthy and Cancer Free
All life is maintained through the reproduction of cells in that cells are continually replaced when old cells die off. In other words, the body is in a constant state of self-renewal. Toxins are eliminated continually and consistently in a healthy body, which allows genuine healing to occur. As mentioned, the problem occurs when the body is constantly inundated with a stream of toxic material, making it difficult to keep up with elimination and allowing toxins to accumulate.
A 2005 study found 287 industrial chemicals in the umbilical cords of newborns.1 Over half of these chemicals are known to cause cancer. This slow poisoning has an effect on the body’s pH balance and all these poisons push the body into an acidic state, allowing cancer to thrive. Toxins and heavy metals must be removed in order to modify the body’s pH and bring it back to an alkaline state.
Should You Detoxify During Chemotherapy and Radiation?
Numerous alternative cancer doctors who specialize in non-toxic and nutritional approaches to treating cancer emphasize the importance of a detoxification program for their patients. As cancer cells dies off, it is important to excrete them.
When the body is healthy, it does an adequate job of eliminating toxins. However, when undergoing chemotherapy treatments, the body becomes overloaded with toxins. These toxins can cause fatigue, bloating, suppressed immunity, aching muscles, and many other negative side effects.
If surgery has been performed and lymph nodes removed, detoxification becomes even more difficult. This is because the lymph system that is involved in waste removal has been compromised. Toxic build up can worsen conditions such as lymphedema, making detoxification during chemo even more important. In addition, radiation damages cells and increases toxicity in the body so eliminating dead cancer cells is necessary for healing to occur.
It is next to impossible to avoid toxins in the every day world, so regular detoxification is paramount for maintaining good health. You need to exercise, sweat, sleep well, drink plenty of clean water, eat plenty of fruits and vegetables, and supplement with supportive, detoxification helpers such as milk thistle, N-acetyl-cysteine (NAC), chlorella, and other superfoods.1
If undergoing chemotherapy and/or radiation, detoxification is even more important to help the body rid itself of dead cancer cells and the toxic effects of these conventional treatments. It is critical to see a practitioner who understands detoxification as a way of helping the body heal, regenerate, and repair.

Stay Healthy.

Are you covering your face with toxins?



5 ingredients in skincare products to avoid at all costs

Would you slather gasoline or diesel on your face? How about liquid plastic, formaldehyde, or lead? Of course not!

So, I encourage you to take a closer look at what you’re putting on your skin. Many skincare products contain petroleum by-products, phthalates (a plasticizing agent), formaldehyde releasing chemicals and other toxins.

You won’t see these ingredients listed in your skincare products because they’re hidden. So, today I’m sharing what to look for, so you can stay away from some of the most toxic ingredients.

What you put on your skin penetrates your skin and ends up in your blood stream. They don’t just sit on the surface but are seeping through or going into the air around which you breathe.

Keep this in mind: The FDA has banned 11 ingredients while the EU has banned over 1000. The FDA says safety for personal care products is the responsibility of the manufacturer. That’s not reassuring… So, it’s really up to you, the consumer, to be proactive.

Here are 5 ingredients to look for in your skincare products:

#1 Ingredient to avoid: FRAGRANCE

This is a big one because we like to smell good and manufacturers know that. The problem is that most skincare products contain synthetic fragrance, which is where many harmful ingredients are hidden. Fragrance contains a number of endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDCs). EDCs are a class of chemicals that, in studies, are associated conditions such as as thyroid problems, infertility, early menopause, early puberty, obesity, diabetes, and certain types of cancer (such as prostate, testicular and breast cancer). One of the chemicals of particular concern is diethyl phthalate (DEP). It is used to make smells last longer, but they’re known EDCs. And, they’re in most of us…

#2 Ingredient to avoid: Formaldehyde Releasers.

Look on the label for: quaternium-15, diazolidinyl urea, DMDM hydantoin, Bronopol, or imidazolidinyl urea. When you rub skincare products containing these chemicals onto your skin they can go into the air around which you breathe or perhaps through your skin. Formaldehyde is known to cause DNA damage and cancer. It is most dangerous when inhaled, and in liquid form can be absorbed through the skin. In addition to being carcinogenic, formaldehyde and its releasers can cause “allergic” reactions including skin irritations and asthma.

We’re exposed to formaldehyde through pressed-wood furniture (most furniture in people’s homes), building materials, permanent-press fabrics, paper product coatings, glues and adhesives, cigarette smoke, and vehicle exhaust. We are already surrounded, and we know they’re carcinogenic, so why add more when we don’t have to?  In skincare products, formaldehyde releasers are used as preservatives, but the good news is there are natural alternatives!

#3 Ingredient: Mineral oil (untreated and mildly treated)

Mineral oil is derived from crude oil and is in a variety of skincare and cosmetics. In addition to being a non-renewable source and not environmentally friendly, there are concerns about its safety. Untreated and mildly treated mineral oils have been classified as a known human carcinogen.  They accumulate in our bodies in our fat, lymph nodes, liver, spleen, and lungs. And, that accumulation appears to be from skincare products.

So, until we’re 100% sure the mineral oil we’re using is 100% pure, I would steer clear. There are much healthier, eco-friendly and effective alternatives derived from nature!

#4 Ingredient: Parabens

Parabens are known xenoestrogens, which means they have estrogenic activity in the body. Parabens have been found in breast tumors, yet many skincare companies deny this means anything for your health.

Here is what you’ll find on labels: propylparaben, benzylparaben, methylparaben, or butylparaben.

#5 Ingredient: DEA (diethanolamine), MEA (monoethanolamide) and TEA (triethanolamine)

Studies have shown a link between exposure to high doses of these chemicals and liver cancers and precancerous changes in skin and thyroid. Canada and the European Union classify DEA as harmful and toxic.

These ingredients can also react with other chemicals in cosmetics to form carcinogenic nitrosamines.

DEA, MEA and TEA are used to make skincare products creamy (such as moisturizers and sunscreens) and foamy (cleansers and soaps) and help increase the pH of the formula. But, these are unnecessary because there are safe natural alternatives!


Unfortunately, this is just a start! There are many more ingredients in skincare products that are toxic and harmful to your health. Some research has revealed the toxicity of certain skincare ingredients, but more needs to be done.

I’m fed up with harmful skincare products because I’ve researched skincare ingredients and know that we do not need these toxic chemicals! There are natural preservatives, thickeners and fragrances that are safe and effective.

Habits Of People Who Reach & Maintain Their Ideal Weight

from Brian Syukihappyandhealthypeopledrinkwaterduh-825x496



Ever wondered why most people never lose weight? Or why folks can’t keep the weight off after they lose it? There are many reasons why people fail to lose weight, but instead of focusing on those who fail, let’s look into those who succeed.

Here are a few things they do differently to lose weight and keep it off for the long haul. If you emulate what they do, soon you’ll be sharing your own success story.

1. They are flexible with their diets.
People who lose weight and keep it off understand that 100 percent adherence to diet is not necessary. So they eat healthy 90 percent of the time. Frankly, it’s totally fine to eat foods you enjoy every now and then. In fact, following a strict diet is stressful and usually leads to binging.

2. They don’t obsess over small things.
You’ll never hear anyone credit their weight-loss success to “training when the body is in the fat-burning zone” or “not eating carbs after 6 pm.” A lot of people in the fitness industry are looking to make a quick buck, and they’ll make you believe anything

What time you decide to exercise or eat doesn’t make a significant difference in weight loss. Instead of buying into these weight-loss myths, focus on things that really matter like, calorie intake, eating healthy foods, and establishing a regular fitness regimen.

3. They exercise regularly.
I’m sure you’ve heard of people who have lost weight without exercising. As appealing as it may sound, exercise is a huge part of a healthy lifestyle, and a great tool to help you maintain your weight. Exercise (especially strength training) will help build muscle mass and enhance fat loss. Aim to exercise at least three to four times a week.

4. They track their food intake.
Naturally, to lose weight you have to maintain a calorie deficit. Tracking your food intake will help you know if you are consuming food groups in the right proportion specifically if you are getting enough protein and good fats.

5. They drink water.
Studies show that drinking plenty of water is good for weight loss. Make sure you drink at least two liters of water a day.

6. They eat home-cooked meals.
Cooking gives you the opportunity to prepare delicious, healthy meals — and know exactly what is going into your meals. It also makes it easier to control portions.

7. They develop habits they can maintain long term.
These people understand that eating healthy and exercising is a lifetime thing. They don’t jump from one fad diet to another. Find and develop habits that you can maintain for a lifetime.

8. They track their progress.
I suggest you track your weight and body-fat percentage. Weigh yourself once a week, at the same time each week, using the same scale. Taking daily measurements doesn’t make sense because weight fluctuates due to water retention. Also, measure your body fat percentage after every three weeks.

By the way, you don’t need to make all these changes at once. Make one or two changes every week and eventually they’ll become habits.

I have myself lost 10 kg over the last eight months, and it is easy to keep it off because eating healthy has become a lifestyle. The changed gut bacteria promote healthy eating because I no longer have cravings ( or only very occasionally, when I give in happily!).

Stay Healthy.

Image Courtesy Google