Eat Fat to Lose Fat

For years, fats—including butter and red meat—have been demonized. But what scientists have found is that sugar, not saturated fats, is the enemy when it comes to heart health. In fact, I’ve changed my dietary recommendations, encouraging people to up their fat intake and reduce the carbs. Plus, an important study has shown that a high fat, low-carb diet diet is not only heart healthy, it promotes weight loss.

For this study, funded by the National Institutes of Health and published in the Annals of Internal Medicine, researchers studied a group of 150 racially diverse men and women. Each participant received a diet to follow for one year, either limiting fat or carbohydrates—but with no calorie restrictions.

Specifically, researchers asked the low-carb diet group to increase their fat intake to more than 40% of their daily calories by eating fish, nuts, and olive oil. Plus, they allowed them to eat saturated fats, and the participants in this group ate an average of 13% of their calories from saturated fat.

Meanwhile, researchers told the low-fat group to decrease their fat intake to fewer than 30% of their calories while adding more starches, cereals, and grains to their diet. All participants received encouragement to eat vegetables, and the low-carb diet eaters could also have fresh fruit.

The Low-Carb Diet Was the Winner

At the end of the study, those in the low-carb diet group lost an average of eight pounds more than the low-fat group. Plus, they lost more fat and gained more lean muscle mass than the low-fat group. The converse was also true—with low-fat eaters losing more lean muscle mass than fat.

The low-carb diet group also experienced significant improvements in both their triglycerides and inflammation levels—and had a measurable increase in their “good” HDL cholesterol. In fact, the low-carb group significantly reduced their “risk scores” on the Framingham Heart Study index, which calculates the risk of having a heart attack within 10 years.

What’s the Weight Loss Takeaway for You?

I’ve been saying this for years, that the low-fat craze in the 1990’s really hurt this country. The low-fat fad wasn’t based on science, but rather a theoretical association that fats at nine calories per gram is worse than carbs at four calories per gram. Unfortunately, this thinking was dead wrong and contributed to a huge obesity crisis in America.

This study is also consistent with science that shows that a high-carb diet can cause you to overeat because carbohydrates raise blood sugar too high, too quickly. Then, your pancreas has to release more insulin to bring your blood sugar back down, causing sugar levels to fall too low—which leads to more sugar cravings, overeating and weight gain.

To move your diet—and your weight—in the right direction you want to limit your sugar and carbohydrate intake. Getting less than 50% of your calories from carbs, with the remainder from healthy fats and proteins, is a step in the right direction. Then, to take off the pounds, you want to curb your carbs even further, to 30-35% (or less) of your daily calories.

Depending on your individual condition, the recommendation could be more, or less. Look for an Integrative Medicine practitioner near you for the right guidance.

And Stay Healthy.

from Dr. Stephen Sinatra

Should a Low-Carb Diet be Ultra High in Butter?

On June 15, 2105 – that’s just four months ago!! – I posted

And today the contention is that butter might be ‘not as good as’ cream. This is how quickly knowledge evolves in the field of nutrition. And that is why consulting our regular physician for advice on nutrition is NOT the wisest thing to do. Medical college syllabus typically spends less than five hours on nutrition, at least when I was a student. And its not too different now.

The best thing to do is to be open to change.

Woman Melting Butter On Frying PanLow-carb diets are incredibly healthy.

They have been shown to cause much greater weight loss than the standard “low-fat” diet, at least in the short-term. They also lead to improvements in many health markers, such as blood triglycerides, HDL cholesterol, insulin sensitivity and others.

However, just because there is no effect seen in a large group, there is a lot of room for individual variability.

Many physicians who treat their patients with low-carb diets note that some of them develop very high LDL levels.

This involves a major increase in both LDL “cholesterol” and LDL particle number (or Apolipoprotein B). This may be a major concern, and should definitely not be ignored. Some have claimed that this may be caused by the high butter content that is typical on a low-carb diet.

Interestingly, a common belief these days is that low-carb diets should be very high in butter, and that people should even add it to their coffeeI used to believe that butter (especially grass-fed) was healthy and that eating plenty of it was fine. However, new evidence has made me reconsider my position.

Is Saturated Fat Bad For You?

Heart and Stethoscope New studies show that saturated fat does not increase the risk of heart attacks or death. It has mostly neutral effects on health.

High-Fat Dairy Products Seem to be Healthy

Cheese And GrapesDespite having been demonized in the past, high-fat dairy products seem to be very healthy. Some of them, like full-fat milk, yogurt and cheese, are highly nutritious.

They are loaded with high quality protein, calcium, vitamin B12 and various other important nutrients.

There is no evidence that high-fat dairy products cause heart disease. They are even linked to reduced heart disease risk in countries where cows are largely grass-fed.

Butter May be Different Than Other High-Fat Dairy Products

I used to believe that the same applied to butter as other high-fat dairy products. However, a recent study has made me reconsider my position.

This was a controlled trial that compared the effects of butter and cream on blood cholesterol levels.

According to this study, dairy fat from butter raised some heart disease risk factors significantly more than dairy fat from cream.

Butter fat raised total cholesterol, LDL cholesterol and the ApoB:ApoA1 ratio significantly more than fat from cream. It also raised non-HDL cholesterol, which went down slightly in the cream fat group.

This graph shows the effects on LDL:

Butter, Cream and LDL cholesterol

This may seem strange, because the fatty acids in butter and cream are pretty much identical. Butter is just cream that has been churned.

However, the fatty acids in cream and other high-fat dairy products are enclosed by a membrane that contains proteins and phospholipids. This membrane is called Milk Fat Globule Membrane (MFGM).

The MFGM membrane seems to reduce the cholesterol-raising effects of the fatty acids in cream. When cream is churned into butter, it loses much of this membrane.

This is one perfect example of why whole foods are more than just their individual components.

In this case, the “food matrix” of butter is different than that of cream.

Because butter has less of this protective MGFM membrane, it may raise cholesterol levels significantly more than other high-fat dairy products.

Just because saturated fat has been shown to be harmless in normal amounts, it does not mean that you should eat tons of it.


Butter on a Wooden Plate

Humans evolved eating saturated fat, and we did just fine eating butter before.

However, now some low-carbers are advocating adding several tablespoons of the stuff to your coffee every day – not to mention adding butter to other foods on top of that.

Just because a little bit is okay, it does not mean that large amounts are better – or even safe. More is not always better in nutrition. Balance is key.

Olive OilNutrition is a rapidly developing field, and what seems true today might get debunked tomorrow.

It is absolutely crucial to be willing to change your position when there is new evidence that indicates that you may have been wrong before.

I used to believe that butter was healthy, and that a low-carb diet could include lots of butter without any negative effects.

However, based on new evidence, I have had to reconsider my position somewhat.

I do not believe that butter is harmful by any means, but I do think that eating large amounts of it should be cautioned against. Extra virgin olive oil is good.

Stay Informed, up to date, and Stay Healthy!

How to Increase use of Turmeric


turmeric paste

Turmeric Paste Ingredients:

1/2 tsp ground black pepper

1 tsp ginger powder

1/2 tsp cinnamon

1/4 tsp pink salt

½ cup turmeric powder

1 and 1/2 cups filtered water, plus 1/2 cup more

½ cup coconut oil


1/4 cup raw honey or 20 drops of stevia

Turmeric Paste Instructions: 

Combine pepper, ginger, cinnamon, cardamom, and salt in a small bowl. Set aside.

Combine turmeric and 1 and 1/2 cups of water in a small pot, stirring constantly with a wooden spoon. Bring mixture to a very gentle simmer and add another 1/2 cup of water. Continue to stir with wooden spoon.

Add mixed spices and continue to cook and stir on low for 3 minutes, until you have a thick and smooth paste.

Turn off heat and add coconut oil . Continue to stir until completely smooth.

Add optional sweetener while mixture cools.

Transfer to clean glass jar. Mixture will thicken as it cools. Place lid on jar after mixture has completely cooled. Give a little shake to prevent separation and store in fridge for 2-3 weeks.

turmeric paste2

Best Ways to Use Turmeric Paste:

My favorite way to use the turmeric paste is to add it to a little warmed homemade coconut or nut milk to make golden milk. Golden Milk is an immune-boosting remedy that ancient cultures have used for years to benefit digestion and health. It is the perfect evening time cozy drink. You can add as little or as much as you like, depending on your preference.

Can also be taken by the spoonful.

You can also use the paste to flavor stir fries, stews, soups, eggs, veggies, yogurt and anything else that makes you happy. I also love to just eat it by the spoonful from the fridge.

The active ingredient in turmeric is called curcumin and it is one of the world’s most powerful anti-oxidants and anti-inflammatories.  The active curcuminoid anti-oxidants are best absorbed when combined with a good fat source (coconut oil) and the pepperine compound found in black pepper.

Ginger and cinnamon provide more anti-oxidant support.  This is one of the best recipes for someone with a chronic disease.  I would recommend using it daily if you are suffering with an autoimmune disease such as rheumatoid arthritis,Hashimoto’s thyroiditis, multiple sclerosis.

These ingredients are also incredible for brain health and will greatly benefit someone with Parkinson’s or Alzheimer’s.  Anyone with cancer should be using this daily and it will help people with hypertension, heart disease andfibromyalgia.

You really couldn’t get a more anti-inflammatory powerhouse than this turmeric paste!  You can not only eat it but also apply it to your skin for improved healing from cuts, bruises and burns and for beautifying effects.  But use it with caution as it will stain any piece of furniture or clothing you get it on!

13 Effective Ways to Prevent Breast Cancer

Angela Buhri

woman examining breast mastopathy or cancer

The American Cancer Society estimates that this year (2015) about 231,840 new cases of invasive breast cancer will occur and that over 40,000 women will die of breast cancer.

Cancer is an environmental disease. That means we can do more to prevent and reverse it than we may think. I was so fortunate to be the witness of four cases of last-stage cancer that could be reversed in the most natural way. These four persons became entirely cancer free within two to twelve weeks.

One of them was a woman with last-stage breast cancer. Had she known what you are about to learn she may have been able to prevent herself from going through painful chemo therapy and radiation.

Today we want to talk about 13 natural and healthy ways of preventing breast cancer and lift that cloud of fear so many women are carrying around. There is enough proof that breast cancer can be prevented through a healthy lifestyle. The American Institute of Cancer Research estimated that about 40% of breast cancer cases in the U.S.A. could be prevented with a healthier lifestyle. Dr. Joe Mercola even believes that these estimates are far too low and that the breast cancer could be avoided to 75% and 90% by strictly following some simple lifestyle changes.

Here are 13 possible lifestyle changes that can reduce the risk of getting breast cancer. Combined they can be a very powerful weapon against that terrible disease.

Remove all wires of your bras: there is enough evidence that metal underwire bras can increase your breast cancer risk. Wires act like antennas and conduct electromagnetic pollution directly to the female breasts.
Electromagnetic fields: Avoid them as much as possible because they can increase your cancer risk. Electric blankets, digital alarm clocks, televisions in the bedroom, mammograms, cell phones, electric heating, nearby cell phone towers, and wireless phones all have a very high radiation and can contribute to cancer. And the worst of all are microwave ovens. There is so much evidence of the dangers of microwave ovens, yet they are just too convenient to be banned from today’s kitchens. However, if you’re serious about drastically reducing the risk of getting breast cancer, replace your microwave oven with a steamer, which is as convenient as microwaves and entirely harmless. By the way, did you know that microwaves can make you obese even without overeating?

microwave oven
Avoid sugar and fructose: all forms of sugar are known to promote cancer. By avoiding sugar and grains and increasing exercising you also improve your insulin receptor sensitivity.
Get a lot of sunshine to optimize your vitamin D: Vitamin D is known to be one of nature’s most potent cancer fighters. (If you have to supplement with Vitamin D3 you also need to increase the vitamin K2)
Vitamin A: it helps prevent breast cancer, especially when consumed with vitamin A-rich foods like organic egg yolks, organic raw butter, and beef or chicken liver.
Avoid soy products: unfermented soy is high in isoflavones. Some studies show that unfermented soy increases the chances for mutations and cancerous cells.
Maintain a healthy body weight: Fat produces estrogen, and estrogen can increase the danger of getting cancer. As soon as you begin to eat healthy and exercise plus add the next step, weight loss will happen naturally.
Drastically reduce acidity: cancer can only survive in an acidic body, and when you’re overweight, you are over-acidic. Cancer cells have no chance in an alkaline environment, therefore alkalizing your body should be one of the first steps for weight loss and cancer prevention. If you’re only slightly overweight, drinking a lot of organic green vegetable juice daily is a great way. If you’re over 40 years old and/or more than 10 pounds overweight, your alkalizing has to be softer and more strategic.
High-quality Omega3 fats: Omega3 deficiency is a known factor for cancer. Choose animal-based Omega3 fats, such as fish oil.
Breastfeeding: research shows that breastfeeding up to 6 months can significantly reduce the risk of getting breast cancer.
Avoid synthetic hormone replacements and birth control pills: if you are experiencing excessive menopausal symptoms, you can use bio-identical hormone replacements. Birth control computers are safer and more accurate than the pill.
Avoid iodine deficiency: iodine has potent anticancer properties.
Reduce your fear of getting breast cancer: according to the law of attraction, fear increases the danger of getting what we’re afraid of.
Breast cancer has become big business, and routine mammography is one of its primary profit centers. Mammograms deliver ionizing radiation what contributes to cancer. Stirring up fear has always shown to be very profitable for any industry.

The founder of, Sayer Ji, posted an article on mammograms a while ago, stating that…

“Remember that … the New England Journal of Medicine published a shocking analysis of the past 30 years of breast screening in the US, finding that 1.3 million women were overdiagnosed and overtreated for breast cancer – euphemisms for misdiagnosed and mistreated. The only calculable dimension of this world-historical failure is the billions of dollars that were made in the process of converting healthy, asymptomatic women into ‘patients,’ and if fortunate enough to make it through treatment, ‘survivors.’”

Therefore, don’t allow fear to dominate your life.

Keep your common sense.

Optimal Health: Do You Know What You’re Missing?

Modern society has come to accept a pretty dismal state of health as being normal. Complaints like fatigue, pain, insomnia, anxiety, irritability, and indigestion are considered a typical part of each day. More serious issues such as asthma, diabetes, arthritis, attention deficit disorder, and depression are common as well. Even major life threatening diseases such as heart disease and cancer have become prevalent. In fact, heart disease and cancer barely existed less than a century ago and are now the two leading causes of death in India.
These problems don’t happen by chance. They’re merely symptoms of underlying malfunction. The unfortunate truth is that many people have spent their entire lives promoting this malfunction and don’t even know it. While they think they’re doing well, they’re really missing out on a much better quality of life. By comparison to today’s standards, it’s very easy to consider yourself in excellent health and many of us have fallen into this trap.

The Benefits of Optimal Health That You May Be Missing Out On
Optimal health is a state in which your body is free of underlying malfunction. Through the amazing accomplishments of nature and evolution, your body intuitively knows exactly how to achieve this state, but only if you give it the required support. The following are just some of the consistent benefits enjoyed by the people who’ve dedicated themselves to living a truly healthy lifestyle that provides this support. There’s such a drastic difference in comparison to most people that you’re unlikely to believe it, but it’s for real.
Waking up happy, full of energy, and excited to start the day.
Having a steady supply of balanced energy throughout the entire day without any excessive highs or sluggish lows.
Not needing any caffeine or sugar to get through the day.
Having a high capacity for physical activity.
Having a high resistance to illness and going many years without getting sick.
Being able to remember things easily, think clearly, concentrate deeply, and have a balanced mind that is free of anxiety.
Having a natural tendency to be in a good mood and having a high tolerance for stress, frustration, and irritability.
Being able to easily maintain a slim figure and an ideal body weight.
Enjoying a body that moves freely, smoothly, and is free of pain.
Digesting your meals without issues such as heartburn, indigestion, gas, belching, diarrhea, or constipation.
Being free of food cravings.
Naturally becoming tired around bedtime and being able to fall asleep easily.
Having an uninterrupted and restful night of sleep.

How Do You Measure Up?
Chances are that at least a few of these characteristics are the complete opposite of what you experience.
If you think I’m being unrealistic and you don’t believe anyone could live as well as I described, you’re absolutely wrong. I know first hand that it’s possible to enjoy every single one of these benefits on a consistent basis, even at my age, and I know many others who can say the same. Although some of us are brought into this world with more dysfunction than others, we all equally share the ability to do something about it. While many people choose not to or are simply unaware of the possibilities, that doesn’t make you any less able.
Most people choose to frequently indulge in multiple vices at the cost of their well being and that’s fine. We all have that choice. But if you’re one of them, just be sure you’re fully aware of the consequences and that you’re not short changing yourself more than you realize. There’s good reason why older people often say “if I knew I was going to live this long, I would have taken better care of myself.” Regret is an awful thing to live with!

The Need to Recognise the Problem
As with any type of self improvement, recognizing the problem is always the first step. Without that recognition, there is no incentive to do better. Many people are living far below their potential and will continue doing so until they recognize a need for change. As such, the goal of this article is not to criticize, but to create awareness and inspiration.
If you would like to bring some of the benefits listed above into your life more consistently, then reflect on your current state of well being and assess how much desire you have to make a change. This is a prerequisite to any type of self improvement that you embark on because without desire, change will not happen.

Be Healthy!