Why eat salad

A simple salad of chopped onions, tomatoes and cucumbers are an integral part of the diet in many cultures, and could be known as kachumber, salsa, salad or other names. But what’s in a name?! They’re all an important addition to a healthy diet.

Research shows organic tomatoes contain 55 percent more vitamin C and 139 percent more total phenolic content at the stage of commercial maturity compared to conventionally grown varieties.


Recent studies show that cucumbers contain powerful lignans.  These are unique polyphenols usually found in crucifers and alliums like cabbage and onions, that bind with estrogen-related bacteria in the digestive tract and contribute to a reduced risk of breast, uterus, ovarian, and prostate cancers.

Onions are also abundant in an antioxidant flavonoid called quercetin, which has proven anti-cancer, anti-inflammatory, and anti-diabetic effects.

So enjoy!

And Be Healthy.

Take Fish Oil to lose weight

Fish Oil


Fish oil has been shown to benefit the human body, from improved cognitive abilities to the heart’s pumping efficiency — but it may be it’s ability to alter an individual’s gut bacteria that makes it an ideal weight loss treatment.

 Researchers at Harvard Medical School found that fish oil supplements are an easy way to protect the heart, ease inflammation, and even improve mental health and lengthen a person’s lifespan. Omega-3 fatty acid deficiencies, fish oil’s main ingredient, have been linked to heart disease, certain cancers, mental health disorders, and arthritis. Despite all of fish oil’s benefits, researchers still didn’t expect it to change the gut microbiome community into a powerful weight loss and anti-inflammatory treatment.

Omega-3 fatty acid is truly ‘laakh dukhon ki ek dawa’!

Why getting Your Nutrition Only from Food is A Bad Idea

Dave Asprey

The idea that you can get all your nutrients from food is fine in theory, but virtually impossible in practice.  Soil and water depletion, food and environmental toxins, poor absorption, pesticides, exercise, and lack of calories can all cause nutrient deficiencies.  There is evidence that consuming nutrients from food is more beneficial than supplements, which is why you should focus on a nutrient rich diet first.  However, it’s rarely enough.

supplementsAll your life you’ve eaten a “healthy” diet.  You’ve followed the USDA Food Pyramid from the beginning, and were always told supplements were unnecessary as long as you ate a balanced diet (whatever that means).

Maybe you’re wiser now, and are following a higher nutrient diet.  Either way, one of the most repeated beliefs among health conscious people is that you can – and should – get all of your nutrients from food.  Taking multivitamins often make people think they can eat even worse, which isn’t exactly productive.

In any case, you’re not dead yet, so you must be getting the right nutrients.  Supplements are unnecessary… right?

 11 Reasons You Should Take Supplements
1. You Eat Crap a Standard Diet


Grains, legumes, and most forms of modern dairy are not food.  The purpose of consuming food is to nourish the body and mind.  These foods do the opposite.

First of all, grains, legumes, and conventional dairy are nutrient deficient (or void).  They contain extremely small amounts of nutrients, most of which are malabsorbed.  Grains and legumes deplete nutrient stores and interfere with nutrient absorption.  They are toxins in themselves, which increases your nutrient needs.  Grains and legumes both cause intestinal damage which further decreases your ability to absorb nutrients.  Even if you’ve stopped eating these foods, you may be in nutrient debt or have lingering intestinal damage which is interfering with nutrient absorption.

Conventional dairy also contains mycotoxins which are extremely damaging.

2. Soil Depletion

Improper farming practices deplete the soil of nutrients.  When plants are repeatedly grown on the same land, the soil loses nutrients faster than they can be replaced.  Over time, the plants have fewer nutrients to grow.  Fertilizer contains just enough nutrition for the plant to survive until harvesting, but not enough to support human health.  This results in plants that have 75% fewer micronutrients. In addition, most plants are not harvested fresh.  They sit on trucks, shelves, and counters for weeks before being eaten.  Over time, the nutrient content of these plants decreases.

Most modern fruits and vegetables are grown to increase their sugar content, not their nutrient value.  As a result, most of the common fruits and vegetables are artificially high in fructose and sugar and lower in key nutrients.

When plants contain fewer nutrients, the animals that eat these plants are also malnourished.  A study published in the Journal of Nutrition and Health found copper levels in the UK have dropped by 90% in dairy, 55% in meat, and 76% in vegetables.

3. Water is Depleted of Minerals

Water is also depleted of minerals due to modern production methods.  There is a huge variation in the mineral content of bottled and tap water, with tap water generally having more.  Water filters remove important minerals such as magnesium, which was a main source of magnesium for early humans.  If you don’t use a filter and you don’t have a well, it’s likely you’re consuming dangerous amounts of fluoride and/or are deficient in magnesium.  This could explain why people who drink water higher in calcium than magnesium develop more myocardial infarcts and ischemic heart disease.

4. Low Calorie Diets Are Low Nutrient Diets

Starving yourself is bad.  Consuming a low calorie diet means you’re consuming fewer total micronutrients.  Humans are designed to consume a large amount of calories, and it doesn’t make you fat.  When you eat less (as everyone says you should), it’s easy to become malnourished.  When you’re consuming low quality foods, you have to eat even more to obtain the right amounts of nutrition.  This is one more example of why food quality matters.

 According to this study most diets require 27,575 calories to supply all the essential micronutrients.  If you’re eating less than that, you’re deficient in nutrients.

Pesticide-treated vegetables are lower in phenolics than organic ones.  This is because polyphenols are produced as a defense against bugs and pathogens.  When there is no reason to defend themselves, the plant stops producing polyphenols.

There is also evidence that glyphosate – RoundUp herbicide – chelates minerals in crops on which it is sprayed. It’s safe to avoid GMO foods for a variety of other reasons.

6. Grain-fed Meat & Conventional Dairy


Compared to grass-fed meat, grain-fed meat is abysmally low in antioxidants, micronutrients, fatty acids, minerals, and vitamins.

Raw, unpasteurized, unprocessed, full-fat dairy can be good for you, but the kind most people buy at the grocery store is not healthy.  The majority of nutrients in milk are found in the fat (cream).  When you remove or reduce the fat, you are removing and reducing the nutrient content.  Pasteurization destroys some of the nutrients in both skim and full fat milk.  Conventional dairy is also high in aflatoxin and other mycotoxins that were in the cattle’s feed.

If you eat grain-fed meat or conventional dairy – supplementation is a good idea.

7. Toxin Exposure


Your body needs nutrients to deal with toxins.  When more toxins are present, you need more nutrients.  If you’re living in a cave or the garden of Eden, this will be less of a concern.  If you’re like the rest of us mortals – you’re exposed to a litany of toxins on a daily basis.

Here are just some of the things your body has to contend with:

    1. Xenoestrogens (plastics, BPA, some molds, petroleum products).
    2. Industrial solvents and cleaners.
    3. Unnatural lighting
    4. Food toxins.
    5. Stress and lack of sleep.

There are hundreds of other sources of unnatural stress that increase the body’s need for proper nutrition.  Even if you’re doing everything right in terms of diet – it’s almost impossible to get all of your nutrients from food.

8. Nutrient Absorption Declines With Age

Several studies have shown kids need more nutrients to support growth, and older people need more nutrients due to malabsorption.  As people age, they often begin taking medications which can interfere with nutrient absorption.  This means you need to take more nutrients in the most absorbable form possible.

9. Exercise Increases Nutrient Needs


Athletes often think tons of exercise is the key to a long and healthy life (it’s not). I don’t advocate high amounts of exercise, but this is an important point.  If you’re doing enough exercise to substantially deplete energy reserves, you’re also using more nutrients for energy production and recovery.  As a result, athletes are at an even higher risk of nutrient deficiencies.

10. Supplementation May Help You Live Longer

Aging is a natural process, but being ancient may not be fun.  If there are supplements than can delay this process, why not take them? There is good reason to believe a higher intake of nutrients may prolong life.  If supplements can buy you a few more years of quality life, why not take them?

11. Expense & Health

Taking care of our health is the best health insurance there is. Staying healthy and productive, free of health worries, is any day cheaper than expensive treatments for avoidable diseases.

We live in a stressful, toxic world, and it’s a normal, healthy, optimized human behavior to understand the toxins and counteract them whenever possible. Hiding your head in sand won’t make the effects of these toxins go away. Neither will eating some vegetables.

How chronic inflammation causes chronic disease

Victor Marchione, M.D.

Inflammation is the body’s way of protecting itself from harm, but it typically gets a bad reputation. Although inflammation can be a shield, it can harm our health as well. When it lasts for months or even years, it becomes chronic and that is the type you want to avoid.

Inflammation is often seen as a symptom in many illnesses including arthritis, inflammatory bowel disease and many coronary conditions like heart disease. Chronic inflammation results when the body is unable to remove whatever is threatening it. Inflammation can also be a sign of an autoimmune disease like rheumatoid arthritis, where the body wrongfully attacks itself causing inflammation as a means to protect it. Lastly, chronic inflammation can result from a persistent irritant of low intensity.

There are four signs to pay attention to when it comes to deciding if you have chronic inflammation or not.

4 signs which reveal chronic inflammation

Joint pain
Rheumatoid arthritis is a form of inflammation which targets the joints. It is a type of autoimmune disease that causes the immune system to attack itself in error, resulting in inflammation. This inflammation can result in pain, stiffness and swelling.


Research has shown that although not always a cause, inflammation can play a role in the onset of depression. In studies which observed heart patients with depression, markers of inflammation were higher compared to heart patients without depression.

Earlier this year another study came to light revealing clinical depression in association with a 30 percent increase of inflammation in the brain. The study was published in JAMA Psychiatry and it involved researchers examining brain scans of 20 depressed patients and 20 control patients. The brain scans revealed higher amounts of inflammation in those who were depressed.

If you suffer from depression, odds are you have higher levels of inflammation as well.

Stomach pain
There are endless causes for stomach pain. Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) has inflammation right in its name because it is a sure-fire sign of a problem in the digestive tract.

Symptoms of IBD include constipation, diarrhea, abdominal pain and a somewhat constant stomachache. Irritable bowel syndrome and celiac disease are also considered to be caused by inflammation.

If you have been experiencing an upset stomach for quite some time, you may want to take a closer look to uncover if inflammation is the root cause.

Chronic fatigue
We all feel tired, but usually after a restful night’s sleep or some relaxation, we can have that get-up-and-go feeling once again. If you have chronic inflammation you may feel more tired than energized – no matter how much sleep you get.

Inflammation can affect the nervous system, resulting in fatigue. The Arthritis Foundation suggests that fatigue is a symptom associated with arthritis, revealing that where there is inflammation, energy can become zapped.

If eight, 10 or even 12 hours of sleep doesn’t seem like enough, you may have inflammation to blame.

Foods to combat inflammation
Inflammation can impede your health, so in order to reduce it try enjoying foods which work to minimize it. Here are some of the most helpful foods you should enjoy to reduce inflammation and stay healthy.

  • Fatty fish
  • Whole grains
  • Dark leafy greens
  • Nuts
  • Soy (speak with your doctor before you begin consuming more soy)
  • Low-fat dairy
  • Peppers
  • Tomatoes
  • Beets
  • Ginger and turmeric
  • Garlic and onions
  • Olive oil
  • Berries
  • Tart cherries

These are just some of the foods you can start enjoying today in order to combat your inflammation and start feeling better.

Traditional treatment  using anti-inflammatory medication cannot address the situation because

  1. The medications have serious side effects and cannot be used long-term.
  2. They do not go to the root cause of treating the cause of the inflammation.

This is where Integrative Medicine comes in. By identifying and treating the root cause, all through natural means, the underlying condition is addressed and there is long-term relief.

Stay Healthy!

Image Courtesy Google

Leptin, The Fat Hormone

Ronald Grisanti

Leptin, a recently discovered hormone, regulates body weight by suppressing food intake and/or increasing energy expenditure.

Leptin is a very powerful and influential hormone produced by fat cells.

Science has discovered that leptin is the most powerful metabolic regulator that tells your brain whether you should be hungry, eat and make more fat.

Basically, leptin is the way that your fat stores speak to your brain to let your brain know how much energy is available and, very importantly, what to do with it.

In a perfect world, as you gain weight, you secrete more leptin from your fat cells. This in turn tells your brain you have enough stored fat so it reduces your appetite sending messages to help you burn fat.

But there is a problem!

Unfortunately many people have something called “leptin resistance”. This means that no matter how much leptin you create from your fat cells, the brain doesn’t see it.  This leads to a cascade of your brain thinking you are starving => you burn fewer calories =>your appetite goes into overdrive and finally every bit of food you eat gets stored on your belly!

Until you address leptin resistance, you’re not going to lose weight!

Optimal Leptin Levels

Your goal is to keep your leptins below 12, however, not too low. Researchers have discovered that leptin too far to the low side has been associated with dementia or Alzheimer’s.

A leptin above 12 is not considered healthy.

Leptin levels can now be measured with a simple blood test. Levels above 12 are linked to weight gain, accelerated aging, increased risk of infertility, diabetes and heart attack.  In addition, high leptin levels are associated with belly fat and numerous cancers

Leptin rises if you don’t sleep well, and if you have any kind of perceived stress.

Thyroid Connection

If you are having difficulty losing weight, you should get your leptin checked. Remember you want it under 12.  From a thyroid perspective, if your leptin is above 12 you will commonly see low T3 (the most metabolically active thyroid hormone) and elevated reverse T3. This is not good for those trying to lose weight. The thyroid medication Levothyroxine is aT4 medication and should be used with some level of caution when high leptin levels are seen. The take away from this thyroid connection is the fact that reverse T3 means T4 is not being effectively converted into the metabolic workhorse hormone, T3.

The Solution:

You become leptin resistant by eating the typical American diet full of sugar, refined grains, and processed foods. The solution is to eat a diet that emphasizes good fats and avoids blood sugar spikes. Basically a diet that emphasize healthy fats, lean meats and vegetables, and restricts sugar and grains.

For a full thyroid/leptin work-up, I recommend a practitioner knowledgeable in Integrative medicine.

Stay Healthy!