Eating with heart, mind and soul

What is it that we are truly hungering for? Our craving are like a crying baby who is trying to draw our attention. When the baby cries, the mother cradles the baby to try to calm the baby right away. By acknowledging and embracing our cravings through a few breaths, we can stop our autopilot of reaching out to the pint of ice cream or the bag of chips.”

Mindful eating is eating with intention and attention:

  • Eating with the intention of caring for yourself
  • Eating with the attention necessary for noticing and enjoying your food and its effects on your body.



As we practice this regularly, we become aware that we don’t need to eat as much, whereas when people just gulp down food, they can eat a lot and not feel full.



Also, very important, the true benefits of the food we consume are realized only when we are truly invested in the experience of eating it, and visualizing our body deriving nourishment from it. And that is the best diet to adopt, one that will automatically lead to optimum weight and optimum health. 


From Psychology of Eating

Walking during Pregnancy

Do you exercise to stay fit during pregnancy? Your
workouts may keep your baby’s brain fit, too—just 17
minutes a day of moderate aerobic exercise, such as
brisk walking, can help. In a recent study, babies born
to mothers who exercised 117 minutes a week during
pregnancy were more responsive to sounds in their
sleep during their first two weeks of life than babies
whose mothers exercised just 12 minutes a week. These
heightened responses indicated improved activity in the
area of the brain where language learning happens.

Source: Neuroscience

Why should you walk during pregnancy?

  • It keeps you fit. Just 150 minutes a week – that’s 30 min a day for 5 days in the week – strengthens your heart and your muscles and bones.
  • It helps maintain your baby’s weight within normal limits and improves brain function.
  • It increases chances of normal delivery by toning hip muscles and ligaments, increasing the flexibility.
  • It decreases your risk of developing gestational diabetes by helping maintain your blood sugar levels within normal limits.

Is it safe to walk during pregnancy?

Yes, certainly, so long as you are careful to walk on an even surface, avoiding the risk of stumbling and falling.

You can begin with a short walk, just 5-10 minutes and gradually build up.

Remember, pregnancy is s a condition, not a disease.


Your laundry detergent could be harming you

While they may make your clothes smell as fresh as a spring morning, conventional laundry-care products often contain chemicals with negative health effects ranging from skin and throat irritation to causing cancer.

Laundry detergents are often derived from petrochemicals and can contain synthetic fragrances, even when advertised as “fragrance-free.” Most companies add optical brighteners to detergent formulas — additives which emit blue light, making whites appear whiter by tricking the eye. By design, optical brighteners stay in clothes after washing, which may cause skin irritation. They also decompose relatively slowly and can be toxic to marine life. Fabric softeners are also designed to stay in clothes and not fully rinse out, which means lingering chemicals come into contact with skin.

Laundry detergents can contain

1. Sodium Lauryl Sulphate, SLS, which is linked to

  • Irritation of the skin and eyes
  • Organ toxicity
  • Developmental/reproductive toxicity
  • Neurotoxicity, endocrine disruption, ecotoxicology, and biochemical or cellular changes
  • Possible mutations and cancer.

2. Pthalates

3. Phosphates

4. Bisphenol A

5. 1,4 Dioxane

6. Nonylphenol Ethoxylate – NPA

and other toxic chemicals.

What do these chemicals do?

They irritate skin. They cause wearing out and fading of your clothes. They can disrupt your hormones. Some are linked to cancer. Phosphates are difficult to remove from wastewater and often end up in rivers and lakes, where they increase algae growth, choking off waterways and suffocating salmon and other aquatic life, literally starving them of oxygen. Phosphates act like a “fertilizer” in waterways. When the overabundant algae die, they release toxins that deplete the waterways of oxygen. Phosphates remain active even after wastewater treatment.

Instead, use biodegradable products and check labels for absence of above chemicals. Traditional dry cleaning is a very un-green and toxic process using harsh, carcinogenic chemicals, such as perchloroethylene (aka “perc”), which has been linked with a variety of cancers and other problems. Many “dry clean only” products can be safely hand washed.

Help your family stay healthy. Make the right choice.

If you have a long hours of travel daily

In a study, healthy men were asked to use crutches and not put weight on their legs. Within 48 hours, oxidative stress increased, DNA repair decreased, insulin response decreased and metabolic activity decreased. Put simply, there was tissue damage.

And these changes persisted even after the inactivity ended.

This means that conditions such as diabetes are more likely to occur. In addition, various respiratory illnesses due to exposure to pollution can occur, leading ultimately to a possible shortening of lifespan.

If you have long hours of travel, either daily to work or occasional flights, this is a matter for concern. If you are considering a job involving a long commute, think long and hard.

Every extra hour of travel ‘needs’ a 40% raise of salary to ‘justify’ the risk. Which of course in never justifiable.

A commute longer tan 45 minutes was implicated in a 40% rise in divorce rates, in a Swedish study.



Try to travel during non-peak hours, or work from home twice a week.

Reduce Stress

Ways to become “mindful”

Learning to focus the mind can be a powerful antidote to the stresses and strains of our on-the-go lives. The ability to pay attention to what you’re experiencing from moment to moment — without drifting into thoughts of the past or concerns about the future, or getting caught up in opinions about what is going on — is called mindfulness.

This basic mindfulness meditation exercise is easy to learn and practice.

  1. Sit on a straight-backed chair, or cross-legged on the floor.
  2. Focus on an aspect of your breathing, such as the sensations of air flowing into your nostrils and out of your mouth, or your belly rising and falling as you inhale and exhale.
  3. Once you’ve narrowed your concentration in this way, begin to widen your focus. Become aware of sounds, sensations, and ideas.
  4. Embrace and consider each thought or sensation without judging it as good or bad. If your mind starts to race, return your focus to your breathing. Then expand your awareness again.

The effects of mindfulness meditation tend to be dose-related — the more you practice it, the more benefits you usually experience.