Lifestyle Medicine and Bio-Identical Hormones

Mrs AA, 48 came to me for a gynec complaint. She also has knee joint pain due to osteoarthritits, and is diabetic, and has digestion problems, and has high blood pressure. She is seeing three different doctors, one for each of these complaints. Each doctor has prescribed some medication. Since these doctors work independently, there is no communication, so the drugs she is taking could interact positively or, more likely, have deleterious interactions. Plus, all these drugs would have their own set of side effects.

Lifestyle Medicine goes beyond – ‘upstream’ – and identifies the imbalances in the body at the cellular, hormonal, molecular and physiological level, leading to all the above ailments. By correcting these imbalances, we remove the artificial boundaries between organs, modulate inter-organ function and restore normal and even optimal function.
All this means, Mrs AA can hope to be free from her diabetes and her blood pressure and her knee joint pain, and live healthy without medication and without repeated physician visits.
My goal is that patients are able to take charge of their health and not have to visit doctors or take medications.

Let us take a simple example.
People suffering from hypothyroidism – low thyroid function – usually gain weight and find it very difficult to get the weight off, despite rigorous diet and exercise regimes.
In fact, gyms and slimming centers don’t like to make any assurances re weight loss.

Is that familiar? And frustrating?

So why does that happen? Well, metabolism is slowed down due to low thyroid and that makes weight loss difficult. But then these patients are being treated, they are receiving thyroid replacement, you say. So then why aren’t they losing weight?

Simple. The replacement they are receiving is the synthetic hormone, Thyronorm or similar, which contains the synthetic molecule thyroxine or T4. But the metabolically active hormone is Triiodothyronine or T3. That means the hormone responsible for weight loss is T3. And that is not being replaced. So no wonder weight loss remains elusive!

As Lifestyle Medicine practitioners, we use Bio-Identical hormones rather than synthetic hormones. This means the hormone molecule is identical to the one we have in our bodies. Therefore, we are simply replacing what the body lacks, and since it is bio-identical, it acts naturally and safely. And the natural thyroid hormone contains both, T3 and T4. So the patient finds herself losing weight easily, the energy returns, skin starts to glow again – she’s just a different person!

Being the agent of change – restoring not just their health, but also their vitality, energy and joy, preventing all the complications associated with debilitating lifestyle disorders – is it a wonder I am so excited to share my experiences?

I hope this inspires you to seek out an Anti-Aging medicine practitioner near you, and see how your health can be restored.