Toxic stuff in your shampoo

Every time you put shampoo or conditioner into your hair, you may be putting yourself in harm’s way. Just take a look at your shampoo and conditioner the next time you shower and ask yourself...

“Does my Shampoo or Conditioner Contain Any of These 5 Potentially Toxic Ingredients?”

Is Your Shampoo and Conditioner Interfering With Your Hormones and Making You Fat?

Parabens acts like estrogen and too much estrogen can cause big problems including weight gain, fluid retention, and depression. So what can you do to avoid these parabens? Check your product labels for these terms:

Parahydroxybenzoic acid
Benzyl-parahydroxybenzoic acid
Methyl-parahydroxybenzoic acid
Ethyl-parahydroxybenzoic acid
Propyl-parahydroxybenzoic acid
Butyl-parahydroxybenzoic acid

Toxic Ingredient #1:
Sodium Lauryl Sulfate (SLS) According to the Environmental Working Group’s “Skin Deep: Cosmetic Safety Reviews,” research studies on SLS have shown links to: Irritation of skin and eyes Development / reproductive toxicity Neurotoxicity, endocrine disruption, ecotoxicological, and biochemical or cellular changes Possible mutations and cancer.

Toxic Ingredient #2:
Dioxane In the medical journal Cancer’s 2007 review of mammary carcinogens, dioxane was identified as one of the 216 chemicals which was linked to breast cancer in rodents. Los Angeles Times staff writer, Marla Cone, in February 2007 reported that all eighteen personal care products for both adults and children which she had tested by an independent laboratory were contaminated with high levels of dioxane.

Toxic Ingredient #3:
Diethanolamine or DEA In a recent FDA report, approximately 42% of all cosmetics were contaminated with NDEA, with shampoos having the highest concentrations. DEA also readily reacts with nitrite preservatives and contaminants to create nitrosodiethanolamine (NDEA), a known and potent carcinogen.

Toxic Ingredient #4:
MSG. MSG side effects include: numbness, burning sensations, tingling, facial pressure, headaches, nausea, drowsiness and weakness, among other problems. But did you know MSG, short for monosodium glutamate, is also more than likely in your shampoo, often secretly hidden and referred to as amino acids, yeast extract, nayad, glutamic acid, or glutamates?

Toxic Ingredient #5:
Propylene Glycol. Despite the fact the material safety data sheet warns users to avoid skin contact with propylene glycol as it is a strong skin irritant and can also cause liver abnormalities and kidney damage, it’s more than likely in your shampoo!

Toxins in Your Shampoo and Conditioner May Be More Toxic Than Those in Your Food. You might think that because your skin is about one tenth of an inch thick, it protects your body from absorbing the many things you come into contact with. But the truth is, when you consume toxins in foods, such as pesticides in fruit and vegetables, the enzymes in your saliva and stomach often break them down and flush them out of your body. Food also passes through your liver and kidneys, where they are detoxified to varying degrees. However, when toxins are absorbed through skin, they bypass the liver and enter the bloodstream and tissues – with absolutely no protection whatsoever. And some studies suggest skin can sometimes absorb more than your digestive tract.
What’s more… A Hot Shower Opens Up Pores in Your Skin and May Make It Easier for Toxins To Enter Your Body.
Keep informed, and Stay Healthy!

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